Primim cu mandrie prima noastra nominalizare pentru un premiu de excelenta SAP la nivel european.

Aceasta nominalizare confirma implicarea Red Point Software Solutions in parteneriatul cu SAP, ne confirma pozitia de lider in Romania pe industriile pe care activam si, de ce nu, confirma alinierea la cele mai inovatoare tehnologii din industria software.

Multumim echipei SAP pentru recunoastere si colegilor consultanti si programatori Red Point Software Solutions pentru ca fac ca solutiile SAP sa fie implementate cu succes la clientii nostri.

Congratulations on your nomination

SAP Awards for Partner Excellence 2024

SAP Partner Excellence Awards 2024


We are very pleased to announce RED POINT SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS SRL nomination for SAP Awards for Partner Excellence 2024, based on your outstanding achievements in 2023.

Our partners are the engines driving SAP customer success. With the SAP Partner Excellence Awards, we recognize and appreciate the partners that provided exceptional support in 2023. This nomination is a testament to your expertise and commitment to delivering and implementing the best solutions for our customers, which has played a crucial role in our joint success.

The winner announcement and award ceremony will be held during CEE Partner Kick-Off 2024, in Sheraton Hotel, Zagreb, Croatia, on Monday, April 8th. 

Once again, congratulations on this well-deserved nomination, and thank you for your ongoing commitment to excellence. We look forward to a bright future of collaboration and continued success!

Best regards,
Nicoleta Fedorovici
Chief Partner Officer, SAP CEE